Duafe Sisterhood
This year again, in cooperation with our partner organization Oneseed, we have launched the remarkable Duafe Sisterhood Project.
M as Menstruation
If there is one word that could convey the strength of this month it would be SISTERHOOD.
We started the month with the foundation's first-ever fundraising event in Ghana to raise funds for the education program, which this year will be held in 6 regions of Ghana. This is a big undertaking , involving quite a team of people. We know the great educational value of this program, so we want the best preparation and a well-trained team of volunteers.

Our fundraising event brought together about 30 women from very different backgrounds, we were able to share exceptional stories of girls, ambassadors of our program, who completed Sisterhood a few years ago and could testify how positive impact it had on their lives, expertise in the development of their bodies, access to business workshops, discovering the value in themselves and not following the beaten track produced beautiful fruit.

Thanks to our partners, the event participants were able to attend a lecture on the impact of Ayuverdic medicine on women's health during the menstrual cycle. The girls had a 45-minute Padla session with a therapist, and the whole event ended with a shared meal.

The end of May marks World Menstrual Hygiene Day, and we had solid plans for it. The fight against menstrual poverty in Ghana has many dimensions:

  • lack of access to hygiene products
  • countless infections due to the use of dirty materials
  • lack of access to sanitary facilities
  • local beliefs that eliminate women from the community for bleeding time
  • sexualized abuse

We know there is a lot of work to do, which is why the vision for our program is steadily evolving.
In partnership with teacher-training organization OneSeed, the scale of our Duafe Sisterhood education program is gaining lavishly.

We are moving the program to the farthest corners of Ghana, but what we are particularly pleased about is that our program is getting a lot of attention from large inter-national schools in Accra. Over the course of this month, we met with a group of teenage girls and gave presentations at 3 schools on menstrual and mental health. What we found quite surprising was, the need to talk about women's issues is equally pressing in both urban and rural communities. The schoolgirls shared that topics around women's health are almost non-existent in the school debate, and the scale of misinformation, shame, and misunderstanding around it is enormous. All the more reason for us to pioneer this topic.
I encourage you to visit our page with the 'support us' tab and donate your regular support, for girls in rural areas. Thanks to you, each month our wards can receive a hygiene package. In addition, you have the opportunity to support their professional skills by funding training and interpersonal training.