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Start from Ghana

We are a non-profit organization supporting
the local community in the village of Duadze in central Ghana.
When a child smiles, the whole world smile.
— Janusz Korczak
Back to School
Preschool supplies for kids
Dear Parents, Friends and Supporters of our Kindergarten,

The new school year in Ghana is fast approaching and for many of our preschoolers this means the start of the next stage of their educational adventure. Unfortunately, not all children have the opportunity to receive a layette that will help them enter the world of learning with a smile and a sense of confidence. That's why we're asking you to support our Great Layette for Preschoolers campaign!
Back to School

Preschool supplies for kids
Dear Parents, Friends and Supporters of our Kindergarten,

The new school year in Ghana is fast approaching and for many of our preschoolers this means the start of the next stage of their educational adventure. Unfortunately, not all children have the opportunity to receive a layette that will help them enter the world of learning with a smile and a sense of confidence. That's why we're asking you to support our Great Layette for Preschoolers campaign!
what can i do?
Any help, both financial and in-kind, will contribute to the creation of layettes, which will be an invaluable support for our preschoolers.
School Supplies&Uniforms
Donate any amount of 9$ or 12$ to our collection for the purchase of school supplies and uniforms.
Share the News
Share the information about the collection with your relatives and friends - the more people hear about us, the greater our chance of success.
Pomoc rzeczowa
You can also support us by donating specific school supplies by contacting us for details.
Your support can make a big difference!

Every amount donated is a step towards a better future for our preschoolers. We encourage you to support, because even the smallest help makes a huge difference. Remember that together we can create better conditions for the development and education of our youngest children.

Any help, both financial and in-kind, will contribute to the creation of layettes, which will be invaluable support for our preschoolers.

Thank you for your support! Together we can make the first day at kindergarten special and full of smiles!

Our activity

The nursery takes care of 60-80 children between 2 and 5 years old. The main emphasis is on preparation for school (teaching reading and counting, basic English language all this based on playful learning), teaching the habits of hygiene, respect for local traditions, singing songs and creative development, as well as fun and sporting activities.
Promoting a healthy lifestyle. Children often come to school hungry and it often happens that this is their only nourishing meal of the day; meals are prepared from local products, rich in nutrients and carbohydrates to provide the child strength for the day; every day children also get fruit for dessert.
Its unique project that symbolize a relationship between girls based on trust, respect and mutual support. Twice per month we gather 80 ladies from 11-17 yo creating an open space for discussion in safe space around the topics that are essential for young ladies like hygiene, sanitation, personal goals and self-esteem.
Trainings and workshops are part of our aim as a personal development pathway for our staff and local community. Among 8 people working with us only 2 of them have a degree in education that enable them to be fully equipped to work they're doing. We want to give them the chance for capacity and skills building through educational training and entrepreneurship workshops.
Medical Support
In cases where medical intervention is required, we help to get in touch with a doctor and finance necessary medical assistance or operations.
It is a great success. The unique work of the team is the reason why we can celebrate beautiful day but also number of big hearted friends around the world who constantly cheer us on this journey.
Start From Ghana

Feel our heart

Monika & Eddie Quarcoo

Foundation initiators in the heart of Ghana
Monika - an educator, a therapist and the Queen of a Ghanaian village with several years of experience in social activism. Her adventures started off in 2010, in Pretoria, RPA where she spent 6 months participating in a training for social workers and missionaries. During that time, she worked with street children, conducting activating classes and therapeutic workshops in the local orphanages. A year later Monika took part in an environmental project in Georgia which was organized by the European Voluntary Service program.

- an operational manager in a transport company in Ghana and Togo. From the very beginning, he has been supporting activities related to the foundation of the Janusz Korczak Day Care Center not only by maintaining contact with the local authorities but also ensuring that our facilities are provided with the right supplies including building materials or food products.
Since 2013, they have been jointly conducting social activities aimed at improving educational opportunities for children and youth from rural areas of Ghana. They participated in the Polish Aid development and humanitarian assistance project, co-financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In January 2016, they initiated the creation of the Start From Ghana Foundation and until this day, they continue to expand the scope of its activities in line with its original vision.

About the village

Duadze is a small village located in the central region of Ghana. It is located 113 km from the capital - Accra. A bumpy and winding cinnamon road leads to the village through equatorial forests and coconut palm plantations.

The village has approx. 1000 inhabitants. They're open, hospitable, hardworking and friendly people. Life in the village revolves around a small market, a grocery store, a kindergarten, a well where women fetch water and road where local tro tro (bus) stops to pick passengers going to the main town. The core activities in this region involve agricultural cultivation, production of palm oil and handicrafts.
About the village
Duadze is a small village located in the central region of Ghana. It is located 113 km from the capital - Accra. A bumpy and winding cinnamon road leads to the village through equatorial forests and coconut palm plantations.

The village has approx. 1000 inhabitants. They're open, hospitable, hardworking and friendly people. Life in the village revolves around a small market, a grocery store, a kindergarten, a well where women fetch water and road where local tro tro (bus) stops to pick passengers going to the main town. The core activities in this region involve agricultural cultivation, production of palm oil and handicrafts.
Duadze is a village in the south of Ghana with approximately 1,000 inhabitants.
5°17'09.0"N 1°02'55.1"W

Our location

Children between 5 and 16 years of age are subject to compulsory education. Despite this, one third of women between 30 and 45 cannot read or write. Education is free, but the level of it is low. There are multiple reasons the system of educational is struggling, among other things, it is very hard to find qualified staff. Additionally, public schools are usually overcrowded – often, there is only one classroom, temporarily split, holding classes for 2 groups of approx. 100 students in the same time. Buying basic school equipment is a big challenge for families from the rural areas. There is no educational aid. After graduating from the compulsory schooling program, children in the countryside usually do not have the opportunity for further education or access to vocational training.
Children between 5 and 16 years of age are subject to compulsory education. Despite this, one third of women between 30 and 45 cannot read or write. Education is free, but the level of it is low. There are multiple reasons the system of educational is struggling, among other things, it is very hard to find qualified staff. Additionally, public schools are usually overcrowded – often, there is only one classroom, temporarily split, holding classes for 2 groups of approx. 100 students in the same time. Buying basic school equipment is a big challenge for families from the rural areas. There is no educational aid. After graduating from the compulsory schooling program, children in the countryside usually do not have the opportunity for further education or access to vocational training.
The day to day life of entire families revolves mainly around work. Women, men often along with their young children spend most of their day in the factory. However, it looks significantly different comparing to the European version of a factory plant. Women work in the production of palm oil at dawn before the hot, tropical heat gets unbearable. They operate the machines manually and the results of their work can be sold once a week on the local market in Mankessim.
Like every other village, Duadze is led by a local authority. It is a typical caste system. The village has a King and a Queen who keep order in the village. At the same time, they represent the interests of the local community outside and advise on important matters. They are held in the highest esteem and their opinions are respected by the villagers.
Duadze is one of the thousands of villages in Ghana with over 13 million people, which is 42% of the country's population. However it was this place that stole our hearts. Thanks to involvement and openness of the community that was eager to see the change and make it happened.
Ghana's future belongs to those who choose to pursue their dreams.
- Start From Ghana
We believe that what we do in Ghana has a real impact on children
and people from the local community. Seeing joy on faces of kids
reminds us that every act of kindness is an investment in their future.

Thank you for being a part of this journey.
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