A few months ago we, as Start from Ghana Foundation brought to life a long anticipated project of the first community library and computer lab for children and youth in Duadze. The library has 25 seats and 4 computer stations. This is another very important project, which has been achieved with the exceptional support of people with big hearts. It is an extremely important place for the educational development of children and youth from the village of Duadze and its surroundings, who do not have any after school space and support from adults, even to be able to get help with their homework or to catch up on schoolwork.
The library officially started in mid-February and the first few weeks were pretty quiet. We decided to take a step back and invited two local schools to visit in order to explore and possibly partner on educational projects. By the beginning of March, over 80 children were enrolled in the library. Currently, Start from Ghana staff run after-school activities twice a week for 2 age groups, 8-11 and 12-16, and once a week we are using the library as an IT lab for a friendly school. During the day, two groups of children from our Korczak Kindergarten meet to read together stories under the watchful eye of Ms.Cecilia. We conduct tutoring sessions, teacher mentoring, check on children's reading skills, as unfortunately this is still a great challenge in rural areas. To our great joy, currently our library has over 350 books for children, youth and adults. Children are very eager to read and read adventure books. We are confident that as interest in the village library grows, we will be able to enhance its activities and increase the frequency of our meetings. You too can contribute to this effort and support our library project by donating any amount under the "support us" tab.